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Women are largely underrepresented in STEM professions because of the gender specification that is already occurring at school. This is particularly true in computer science, where approximately 18% of women work in the IT industry in the EU. To get young women enthusiastic about IT, impulses must be set at an early stage, to change women's self-perception and self-efficacy for IT content. A person's ability, i.e., self-concept, influences an individual's performance, as embodied by the "self-enhancement approach".

For women to move into IT, their self-concept must be developed from a young age. Female students are brought closer to IT and technology in our "Girls` Digital Camps" project, here at Heidelberg University of Education.

We use Snap! in our "Art Through Coding“ unit. Beginners find a pleasant environment with this block-based programming language, because of their fast learning progress. Students also design digital works of art in Snap!. Through the advantages of Snap!, students are able to work on jobs awarded by the virtual learning platform LucyCity.

The implementation took place separately from the boys (in monoeducation) and ended with an interview of all participants. This talk will discuss student experiences working with Snap! and their participation in a mono-education group. Furthermore, we will discuss the advantages of combining computer science and art for this target group.

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5 min
Plenary Sessions
Snap!Con 2020
Lightning Talk
Lightning Talks