The Snap!shot schedule is now live!
We had an amazing set of submissions, and are excited to see everyone soon!
Announcements Happening Now
Technology Recommendations:
Snap!shot should work with any browser, however we recommending having Zoom version 5.3 and later, and the Chrome browser.
Join us for a 1 day event to meet fellow Snap!pers and learn about Snap!.
Snap!shot 2020 (12/12 @ 12-4pm EST, 9am-1pm PST, 1800-2200 CET)
A day to meet friends, exchange ideas and discuss Snap!.
On Dec. 12th 2020 researchers, educators, makers and enthusiasts of Snap! from all over the world will gather online to share short inspirations, current projects, wild ideas, and friendship. Come and join us for an exciting keynote, fun ignite sessions and a good time together.
Not a full conference, more like four hours of intense beauty and joy. Did we mention that it’s FREE?
It’s already been more than 4 months since we last met for the summer Snap! conference. High time to check in and find out what’s cooking. We’ll give an update on Snap! and curriculum developments, and we can’t wait to learn from you about how it is going.
Organized by Members of the Snap! Visual Programming Language Community, Snap!shot welcomes contributions from all computing education enthusiasts regardless of your tool, paradigm or setting of choice. K12 Scratch teachers, informal coding club facilitators, programming language-makers, curriculum designers, college professors, MOOCistas, circuit-board solderers, digital artists, computing ethics activists: This is for you! We look forward to hearing your story.
Call for Participation
We invite participation by current or potential Snap! users, teachers, or developers. Have a crazy idea? Did something cool? Onto an exciting frontier? Why don’t you enchant us in a 5-minute ignite talk! Scroll down to make a submission.
Topics? Anything! But especially:
- Teaching and learning computer science.
- Teaching and learning mathematics.
- Teaching and learning, period.
Submission Deadline: Nov 21, 2020
Snap!shot 2020 will have an engaging program!