Thanks for a Fantastic Snap!Con 2021! 🎉
Schedule Spreadsheet Schedule Announcements
Projects Shown @ Snap!Con 2021
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Welcome to Snap!Con 2021! 🎉
June 28, 2021
Technology Notes đź–Ą
Snap!Con will use zoom as the primary platform for all sessions. We'll be ohyay for the social events. Both tools can be used directly from your browser, but Zoom works best if you download the application beforehand.What?
For four days educators, researchers, makers and enthusiasts of Snap! from all over the world will gather online to share ideas, experiences, schemes and artifacts around the joy and beauty of computing. Come and join us! Show us your project, engage in lively demos, discussions, talks, panels, and connect virtually with actual young thinkers.
The Conference will take place online from Thursday, July 29 to Sunday, August 1, 2021. There will be five hours of program for each of the four days of the conference, with breaks in between. Additionally, reserve July 27-28 for the [SAP Young Thinkers Learning Festival](ylf2021) with hands-on workshops for students.
Computer Science and Mathematics transform how we learn, work and interact with each other. We believe that critical optimism, creative disobedience, and courageous curiosity are ingredients for a rich and self-determined life in the 21st century. Programming a computer is not just a vocational skill but an act of intellectual emancipation and a medium for self-expression. We invite you to join us for a celebration of creative coding.
Organized by members of the Snap! visual programming language community, the conference welcomes contributions from computing education enthusiasts, K-12 teachers, informal coding club facilitators, programming language-makers, curriculum designers, college professors, MOOCistas, circuit-board solderers, digital artists, computing ethics activists: this is for you! We look forward to hearing your story.
Call for Proposals
We invite participation by current or potential Snap! users, teachers, researchers or developers that reflect your critical optimism, creative disobedience, and courageous curiosity. Topics:
- Teaching and learning computer science
- Teaching and learning mathematics
- Teaching and learning, period
- Extensions to Snap!
- Attracting independent learners

For an interactive and interesting conference, we’d love to see more (live) demos and (short) discussions, and fewer slides. We welcome several modes of participation:
- Open-our-eyes Lightning talks (5m)
- Impactful Talks (15m)
- Powerful Panels (60m)
- Community-gathering Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (30m)
- Interactive Workshops (60m)
If you propose a workshop, we’ll require a detailed agenda showing how you’re going to engage the audience to participate. At this conference we’ll also try something new: an organic, open-mic style “show us your project” session, where you’ll be able to spontaneously present whatever cool idea you’d love to share. We can’t wait to see what you’ve done!
Snap!Con 2021 will have an engaging program!