Presented by:

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Reminder: Due to the quick schedule, lightning talk times are approximate! Times are likely to be off by a few minutes.**

The order for round 2 will be:

  1. Exploring computer graphics from the hardware up in pure MicroBlocks, John Maloney, Turgut Guneysu
  2. Machine Learning with the Finch Robot, Bambi Brewer
  3. Using Snap! To compile images into MicroBlocks code, John Maloney, Turgut Guneysu
  4. Virtual Robots in the Browser, Gordon Stein
  5. Developing minds and Snap! Utilizing the graphical language as a tool for research in developmental psychology, Aaron Baker
  6. Implementing BJC at Scale as Part of an RCT, Efrain Lopez
  7. Coding Across the Curriculum, Tiffany Lucey
5 min
Main Room
Snap!shot 2021
Lightning Talk